Reddit Good Airsoft Fields in Virginia

Reddit Good Airsoft Fields in Virginia


Purchase Tickets:

FAF REOPENS THIS WEEKEND ON November 13th and 14th, 2021

Our field hours are 9am to 4pm and tickets are $30 for a full day of gameplay. Rentals will exist at $xxx .

Tickets will only be sold online, no walk ons.

  1. Purchase your ticket online. Reserve or pay for rental equipment at the same time if needed.
  2. Fill up out your waiver upon checkout.
  3. Show up on time when our gates open up. Go your gear prepare and go on to chronograph your personal airsoft guns to get fix to play. Rental users tin skip this step.
  4. Expect the scheduled briefings from your assigned referees.

Contact Information:

  • Apartment Acres Subcontract
  • 11321 Dransfeldt Rd , Parker, CO 80134
  • Phone: 888-316-7816
  • Hours of operation: Saturdays & Sundays 9:00am - 4:00pm, see agenda below for events and exceptions


  • Field Entry: $30 all mean solar day
  • Rental Gun + Equipment: $30
  • Rental includes gun, mask, and a single fully loaded mag. Boosted ammo may exist purchased at the field. Rentals can exist reserved in improver to your ticket purchase. Rental guns are express then you must pay for and reserve a rental gun ahead of time, no exceptions.
  • REFUND POLICY/BAD Weather condition POLICY.  There will exist no refunds granted for any reason this includes, but is not limited to inclement atmospheric condition.  In case of choppy weather, the Event Director reserves the right to reduce the event times and/or cancel the Event.  Every effort will be made to consummate the Result.


When you play at FAF, you are committing yourself to following the rules below. Airsoft is a sport of award and anybody playing should conduct themselves to a college standard in order to brand sure nosotros all accept a good time and so that the sport tin grow!

  1. I will listen to all staff instructions
  2. I volition habiliment impact rated goggles that are full seal and have a memory strap - goggles must be Z87 ANSI rated
  3. If I am under eighteen years old, I will clothing a hard lower face mask
  4. I will abide by the posted chrono limits and minimum engagement distances
  5. I will not blind fire and use semi only when within x feet of other players
  6. In staging I will take my magazine out, rubber on, pistol in holster, and will not dry fire
  7. I will use white biodegradable BBs but
  8. I will nourish all game briefings that I intend to play
  9. I will respect the belongings and selection up all of my trash
  10. I will non climb on, move, or change any field barricade
  11. I will not brand physical contact or use profanity with staff or other players
  12. I will phone call my ain hits, play honorably, and care for others as I would like to exist treated

When yous arrive at our field, it is required that you lot bring your gun in a gun bag. Nowadays your ticket confirmation to our bank check-in staff. You volition be assigned a group alphabetic character which will determine what part of the staging surface area you will use. Teams are decided upon during game briefings and can be changed. The first thing to exercise in one case you enter is go your equipment ready and proceed to the chrono range with your protective eyewear on and your gun unloaded. All guns must be chronoed and tagged by our staff members on each and every visit. In one case your guns are all chronographed, return to your assigned staging area and await further instructions from your assigned ref.

Repeated or flagrant violations of our safety rules volition result in immediate ejection without a refund. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.

Chrono Procedure:

  1. Bring an empty magazine
  2. Plow hop up off
  3. 3 shots volition exist fired, we load your gun with .32g Bbs and measure in Joules - highest recorded is the chrono rating tagged
  4. Tournament lock HPA

Velocity Limits:

  • 1.5 Joules (~315 FPS with a .32g BB) - AEG (Full & Semi Machine) - No Minimum Engagement Distance / Use Semi-Car inside 10 feet.
  • 1.five Joules (~315 FPS with a .32g BB) - HPA (Total & Semi Auto) - No Minimum Engagement Distance / Employ Semi-Car within x feet.
  • 1.v Joules (~315 FPS with a .32g BB) - Pistols & Shotguns (Full & Semi Auto) - No Minimum Engagement Altitude / Apply Semi-Car within 10 feet.
  • 2.0 Joules (~366 FPS with a .32g BB) - AEG DMR (Semi Auto Only, 75ft Minumum Engagement Altitude, Must Have Magnified Optic)
  • 2.0 Joules (~366 FPS with a .32g BB) - HPA DMR (Semi Auto Only, 75ft Minumum Engagement Altitude, Must Have Magnified Optic)
  • 3.0 Joules (~450 FPS with a .32g BB) - Leap/HPA Sniper Rifles (Single Shot Bolt Action, 100ft Minimum Engagement Distance, Must Have Magnified Optic)

Most Flat Acres Farm Airsoft Field:

Flat Acres Subcontract Airsoft (FAF for curt) is an airsoft field in Parker, Colorado. It features outdoor playing fields which we cycle through and then you can play many unlike means in just ane location. Nosotros run multiple game types to proceed yous challenged.

The fields are:

  • CQB field - Upwardly close and personal activity with tight corners and very confined spaces. Running pistols, SMGs, shotguns, and brusk rifles is recommended here. You lot may run only semi-auto on this field and no sniper rifles or DMRs allowed hither.
  • Urban field - Large open expanse with plenty of cover and obstacles. This has a skilful balance of distance and close quarters boxing so you tin can play this field many unlike ways. All weapon types are permitted here every bit long as you lot discover the correct minimum engagement distances.

We currently operate on Saturdays and Sundays. It is recommended that you bear witness up early on to get your value. The starting time games are scheduled to run after a mandatory safety briefings that we require you to attend prior to walking on the field.

For players looking to come out and feel Colorado airsoft for the first time, we offer rental equipment to get you started. Rental equipment is limited and on a first come up, first serve footing. Y'all may however reserve your equipment when purchasing tickets above. Reserving in advance is highly recommended as we tin can sell out very quickly. Dress in clothes that cover your torso and don't listen getting dirty in. Additional protective gear is not provided and so it is recommended that you habiliment long pants and long sleeves for more than protection.

Games run on scheduled intervals and so showing upwards during a scheduled game could mean y'all volition exist waiting a few minutes for the next round. Be on fourth dimension and check the posted schedules on the field to get the best value. Games typically run about 15-40 minutes long with a brief 10 minute break betwixt rounds.

Spare ammo and boosted supplies are offered for sale at our mobile shop.

See y'all out at that place!

Reddit Good Airsoft Fields in Virginia

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